AMERICAN DISCOVER TECHNOLOGY INC., incorporated in New Jersey, USA in 2007, as a holding company for DISCOVER Group of companies which includes SHENZHEN DISCOVER VIDEO ENTERPRISE CO LTD. and CTI TECHNOLOGY CO LTD., both located in Shenzhen, China. DISCOVER designs and manufactures high-quality Professional CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) equipment since 1995. DISCOVER Group is jointly owned by a group of American businessmen and their Chinese counterparts. With many years of experience in import and distribution of branded security systems in the Chinese markets, DISCOVER has positioned itself as one of the Top Brand names in Total CCTV solutions. DISCOVER also owned CTI Technology Co Ltd. with a 10,000 m2 factory in Shenzhen, to design and manufacturer theDISCOVER range of products.
In the year 2002, DISCOVER CCTV TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. is established in Singapore to handle exports to South East Asia, Indian sub-continent, and Middle East countries. DISCOVER works with business partners throughout the regions, we not only selling the products, we also provide design, support, and maintenance of the DISCOVER Total CCTV solution.
In 2004 DISCOVER established another branch in Toronto, Canada to handle the Canadian markets. DISCOVER is striving each day to become one of the best-known manufacturers of CCTV professional equipment.
In the year 2009, DISCOVER expanded beyond CCTV solution creating two new divisions, Intelligent Video Solution Division and Homeland Security Division where we design and make special security equipment for the governmental agencies, military, police, special task forces etc..
Dream and Destiny - New Dimension towards Total CCTV Solution
To Discover new technology and application.
To Design and Develop new CCTV products.
To Dedicate a team of professional technical supports.
To Deliver our best service and attention.
To Dominate the security and CCTV industries.